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Who We Are

Goodradigbee Cultural and Heritage Aboriginal Corporation (GCAHAC) is a non-government, not for profit corporation. We are dedicated to delivering cultural appropriate support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

Goodradigbee delivers a holistic model that provides whole of person care without discrimination. This includes under pinning social determinants that impact heavily on the health and well-being of individuals & families in our community. GCAHAC can also provide advocacy in areas including Housing, Centrelink, Schools, Child Safety & Probation & Parole.

Statement of Purpose

To provide high quality family-centred services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Our Vision

To be an esteemed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service provider to improve the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and allow, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people grow up safely in their home, receive a good education, and grow up healthy and proud of who they are.

Our Values


Being honest and having strong moral principles.


Having concern for justice, equitable outcomes and genuine respect for people.


Making decisions that solve problems to improve our service with self-determination and sharing our learnings and knowledge with each other.

Cultural Ability

Deliver our services in ways that meet the specific needs of our Aboriginal community, create a safe environment and assist with cultural identity and restoration.


Accept responsibility for our actions and act in a transparent manner.

Our Strategic Plan

Growth & Expansion

Goal 1 – Expand Service

Goal 2 – Increase use of service

Goal 3 – Increase self-sustainability


Goal 4 – Delivery of quality assurance & continuous improvement

Goal 5 – Ensure quality staff recruitment & retention

Goal 6 – Maintain cultural responses & resources

Build Capacity

Goal 7 – Develop Partnerships and Stakeholder’s Relationships

Goal 8 – Ensure All Requirements are Meet.

Our Team

Caine Carroll

Caine Carroll is a proud Ngunnwal man. Caine has been in the NSW Government sector for 15 years, including holding Senior management positions in the Aboriginal Housing Office, Ageing, Disability…

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