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Caine Carroll is a proud Ngunnwal man.

Caine has been in the NSW Government sector for 15 years, including holding Senior management positions in the Aboriginal Housing Office, Ageing, Disability Home Care (ADHC), NSW Fair Trading and the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board.

Caine is involved with his community in various community focused programs such as running Aboriginal youth Rugby League teams to take part in tournaments across the state. Caine is a member of the local land council and is a passionate and strong advocate for Aboriginal people and their rights.

Caine has been nominated for various awards and was a finalist for the “Absec Community Members of the Year award” which recognises the contributions of an Aboriginal person to the welfare and wellbeing of Aboriginal families and their community.

Caine was awarded the 2019 NSWRL Indigenous Volunteer of the year. The NSWRL Indigenous Volunteer of the year recognises a person that has given their time to the game in Indigenous Communities.

Caine has established Goodradigbee Cultural & Heritage Aboriginal Corporation (GCAHAC) to help address families in need of cultural appropriate support services. Caine understands the importance of Aboriginal people doing Aboriginal business which is a key to helping address families that are in need of support as well as young people.

During Caine’s time working for government he has seen various changes in programs and policies, however believes there is still work to be done in reducing the rates of Aboriginal children entering out of home care and has recognised the need and importance for culturally appropriate support services to empower families to become stronger and resilient.

Caine goes above and beyond for families and communities, providing them a voice in the support service sector, motivating people to improve their health and wellbeing, and preventing the removal of children and reducing the number of children entering the out of home care system.

Caine uses every opportunity to instil pride and cultural connections to those around him.

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